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Showing posts from December, 2013

Data Structure In C++

There are a classroom where are hundred of student. They all have individual name, id, and age. If we want to collect their information we need to declare hundred of variables for name, hundred of variables for id, hundred of variable for age.  So we need to write a huge code for it. Array can help to reduce this code but when to want to update information one of student, it is hard. By using structure we can solve this problem. Data structure is the collection of various kinds of data under the same name. it is one kinds of advanced array system. Lets know more about data structure…… Firstly we observe the syntax of  data structure Struct sructer_name{ Data_type1  data_name1; Data_type2  data_name2; Data_type3  data_name3; . . Data_type(n) data_name(n); }object_name Lets to see a code to more learn about data structure. I think you are learn something from the syntax but it can’t  enough. #include<iostream> #include<st...