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While Loop In C++

A while loop repeat to execute target statement as long as the given condition is true.

      Initialization ;
      While(Final condition){

Initialization: Read the previous lecture.
Final condition: Briefly explained in previous lecture.
Increment/decrements: Learn more read the previous lecture.

Initialization: in this part of the for loop can declared the starting point of for loop. That’s means initial point of statement execution .in the program the red block are indicate initialization.

Final condition: the end point of program. The ending period  statement execution , that defined by the final condition. In the program the green block are indicate the final condition.

Increment/decrements: The increment operators are use to increases the values of its operand and decrements operators are use to increases the values of its operand. in the program yellow box are indicate increment.

 Click for see flow chart on  while loop


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